Enterprise-grade service
Xanda provide enterprise-grade website development services to large businesses through a structured and highly organised approach. This may include:
Thorough analysis of the business needs: Understanding our clients’ business needs and objectives is essential. A thorough analysis of the target audience, industry trends, and competitive landscape can identify specific requirements for the project.
Comprehensive project plan (specification): Once the business needs have been identified, and where possible, we will develop a comprehensive project plan outlining the scope, timeline, and budget. The plan will also include a detailed description of the required features and functionalities.
Agile approach: Sometimes, developing a specification may not be possible. In such cases, taking an Agile approach is highly beneficial. See the Methodologies below.
Assign a team: Once the project is live, we will assign a team of experienced professionals to work on the project. The team will include a combination of experts from our design, development, content creation, marketing, infrastructure, data and security departments. Read our insightful post on Agile vs Waterfall?
Enterprise-grade technologies: To deliver enterprise-grade website development services, we use advanced scalable, secure, and reliable tools to handle large amounts of data, traffic, and user interactions.
Industry standards and best practices: The Xanda teams are highly familiar with all major industry standards and best practices in website development to ensure that our clients’ websites meet or exceed all required guidelines.
Rigorous testing and quality assurance: Before launching your website, we will plan and agree on a rigorous testing and quality assurance strategy. This will ensure the website is functioning properly— free of bugs and errors, while meeting the required performance benchmarks.
SLA-based ongoing support and maintenance: Post-launch, we provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the website remains up-to-date, secure, and performing well.